Rosalie Haizlett Illustration
Rivers & Streams of Western Pennsylvania - Watercolor Illustrated Map
This is a reproduction of my original watercolor illustrated map of the watersheds of Western Pennsylvania.
This map features:
- The larger rivers, streams, and lakes of the region
- A jewelwing damselfly (indicative of good water quality and healthy ecosystems)
- A rainbow darter (Darters need clear, clean water to survive)
- Big bluestem grass (This grass contributes to a healthy riparian buffer zone by limiting erosion and providing habitat for wildlife)
- A scene of the Youghiogheny River (The Lower Youghiogheny River has been listed as the 10th most endangered river in the country by American Rivers. This is due to the threat from nearby natural gas development).
Paper: Printed on richly textured, acid-free paper with vibrant inks.